About Me
Welcome to my life gallery
I was born in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 17-year-old teenage girl.
A free writer supports feminism and vegetarianism/veganism. I write about whatever inspires or influences me in a positive way. Drawing and making poems are my hobbies. My sister has been such a great motivation for me to discover myself as a grown up women spending her time to do things that matter. I have become a vegetarian since I was in grade 10, I started to see things differently and shared the same view with many more amazing friends. Yet, I write poems about anything that first comes to my mind, as well as encourages vegetarianism. I have been living a free-minded life, do not care neither about how I should live my life nor how people look at me. I know my value and respect other people's flaws. So, it is time for me to inspire others who are not happy about themselves.